Two Fellowships for Independent Scholars, 2025

Dr Bríd McGrath

Exciting visiting research fellowships for independent scholars to research in the collections of two outstanding early modern libraries in Dublin: the Edward Worth Library (est. 1733) and Marsh’s Library (est. 1707).

We offer two Dr Bríd McGrath Fellowships for Independent Scholars for 2025 to encourage research on printed or manuscript material produced before 1800 in the Edward Worth Library and/or Marsh’s Library.

The catalogues of the libraries are available at and

The selection committee consists of the Director of Marsh’s Library and the Librarian of the Edward Worth Library. The criteria for the selection of a successful candidate are:

  • The quality of the proposed research project
  • The need to use the collections of the Edward Worth Library and/or Marsh’s Library
  • The potential of the applicant to make best use of the material to be consulted, based on her/his CV

Terms of the Fellowships

The Dr Bríd McGrath Fellowships for Independent Scholars encourage research on printed or manuscript material produced before 1800 in the Edward Worth Library and/or Marsh’s Library. The two successful applicants will be expected to take up their awards during 2025.

  • The Dr Bríd McGrath Fellowships for Independent Scholars are open to independent scholars, adjunct or non-stipendiary members of academic staff, and those in part-time paid teaching positions, irrespective of age, race, sex, gender, religion, ethnicity, or country of residence.
  • Those in full-time paid academic positions are not eligible to hold a Dr Bríd McGrath Fellowship. Those who have retired from full-time paid academic positions are not eligible to hold the fellowship. Students registered for Ph.D. programmes are not eligible to hold a Dr Bríd McGrath Fellowship.
  • The stipend for the fellowship is €2,000 for one month.
  • The successful applicants shall be known as ‘Dr Bríd McGrath Fellows’.

How to Apply

Applicants should send:

  • A short covering letter containing details and email addresses of 2 referees who have agreed to send references by email to the selection committee before the closing date given below
  • A short proposal outlining the research to be undertaken (no more than 2 to 3 pages)
  • A short CV (no more than 2 to 3 pages)

Applicants must send their application to the selection committee via this email address:

Referees must send references for candidates to the selection committee via this email address:

Closing date

Applications and references must be received by the selection committee before 5.00 pm (Irish time) on Friday 22 November 2024.


Queries about the Dr Bríd McGrath Fellowships for Independent Scholars may be addressed to the selection committee via this email address:

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